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A collection of videos, stickers, and more that you can share on other applications like WhatsApp

A collection of videos, stickers, and more that you can share on other applications like WhatsApp

Vote: (24 votes)

Program license: Free

Developer: YoYo Team

Version: 3.7.5

Works under: Android


Program license

(24 votes)




YoYo Team


Works under:



  • Combines voice chat with popular board games
  • Clear and easy-to-use voice chat function
  • Smooth gameplay with minimal technical issues


  • Mixed user reviews regarding content and user behavior
  • Requires responsible use by each individual user


YoYo - Voice Chat Room, Audio Chat, Ludo Games is an Android app that combines social interaction with online gaming. With this app, users can engage in live voice chats while enjoying popular board games, such as Ludo.


The unique feature of YoYo is its combination of voice chat and gaming. The app allows users to create their own voice chat rooms where they can interact with friends or make new ones. The voice chat function is clear and easy to use, with minimal lag and excellent sound quality. This creates a lively and interactive gaming environment.

The app includes Ludo, a classic board game enjoyed worldwide. The game appears to be well-implemented and runs smoothly. The rules are the same as the traditional game, making it easy for both new and experienced players to join in.

User Experience

The overall user experience of YoYo - Voice Chat Room, Audio Chat, Ludo Games has been mixed. Some users praise the app for its unique blend of social and gaming features, while others have raised concerns about the app's content and the behavior of some users within the chat rooms.

It's worth noting that while the app promotes social interaction, it's crucial for users to use it responsibly. The app does have controls in place to report inappropriate behavior, but it ultimately falls on each user to behave appropriately and to use the app responsibly.


Performance-wise, YoYo - Voice Chat Room, Audio Chat, Ludo Games runs smoothly with minimal technical issues. The app's interface is easy to navigate, and the graphics for the games are clean and bright, enhancing the overall gaming experience.


  • Combines voice chat with popular board games
  • Clear and easy-to-use voice chat function
  • Smooth gameplay with minimal technical issues


  • Mixed user reviews regarding content and user behavior
  • Requires responsible use by each individual user